
Friday, June 3, 2011



The Miami Heat are the most talked about N.B.A. team this year. The talk is split on 50 % of it referring to the drama within the line up being formed and the other 50 % is if they can really bring home the ring this year. This year, they gained a lot of fans and they also lost a lot of fans. There is also another "team" that is dealing with the same spotlight that is from miami...Maybach Music Group. Since Rick Ross's recent signing of Wale and Meek Mill and now Stalley-they have earned the "big three" nickname(Speaking of three-Ross has three XXL freshmen classmen on his roster-Wale, Pill and Meek Mill). Is it too far to say that these "trades" have secured Maybach Music Group the "ring" this year? Let's see how these players line-up in the roster:

STALLEY (running the 1 position-point guard)- The point guard has a important role. One of the key roles for the point guard is to understand the coach's game plan. Stalley seems to have a great understanding of what Rick Ross wants for and in Maybach Music Group. The point guard is the "play maker" and "ball handler" of the team. I feel he can handle working offensive moves putting Maybach Music Group ahead with a strong lead.

MEEK MILLS (SUB WITH PILL) running the 2 position-shooting guard)- The shooting guard is somewhat of a back up point guard and is usually the best shooter on the team. I feel Meek Mill and Pill are great lyrical "shooters" on this team and can also make great plays. .Shooting guards are also great free throw shooters. To have a high free throw percentage-you must have patience and strong concentration. Meek Mill and Pill have both of these attributes-which will make them a scoring weapon for Maybach Music Group.

WALE (running the 3 position-small forward)- First off, Wale is the Lebron James of Rap (the king james version-not this prince james version people are saying Lebron is and i am talking lyrically too)!!! When Wale got traded to Maybach Music Group-hip hop was turned upside down! He lost many fans, feeling that he wouldn't be a "good fit" with his new team. Just like Lebron, Wale gained a villian title. However, Wale is probally asking the same thing Lebron was asking..."What should I do?" and "Should I be who you want me to be?". Enough of the drama, back to the actual game. Small forwards are primarly responsible for scoring. Wale has been proven that he will be a great small forward scoring points with "A mixtape about nothing" (in my eyes one of the greatest mixtapes of all time) and all of his other projects. Small forwards are also the most versatile on the team. Wale is very versatile. One can see on his album, "Attention Deficit", versatile is a understatement. We even see how diverse Wale is on "No hands". We can see that there is nothing "small" about Wale at all in this line up.

TRIPLE C's (subing each other out of the 4 position-power forward)- Power fowards are great defenders. Triple C's have been defending the Maybach Music Group imprint from the start. When you hear Maybach Music Group, you think of Triple C's.Power fowards are good in the post.They stay close in the post with Rick Ross, setting up the pick and roll and getting those easy points for the team.

RICK ROSS (playing the 5 position-center)- Of course, Rick Ross would be the "center" of this team. Centers are usually the tallest and largest player on the team. Rick Ross lives up to both of those things (i'm not referring to his weight-no cheap shots). He also is the "Dwyane Wade" of the team. He is a veteran. He has his ring and trusts that his team will help him get more. He isn't caught up in "who's team it is" mess, because he understands-if we win...we ALL get rings.

This is a great line up and their bench looks nice too. Masspike Miles (really shined on Torch's "round and round" track), Roccett,Magazeen and Maybach dice are ready to come into the game at any time. Reguarless of what all the fans or critics say, Maybach Music Group is going to make it to the finals this year. The ring is in their long as they all play their position.

Written By: C.H.I.C.A.N George

1 comment:

  1. As far as an artist I can't get down with ross too much but as a business man I respect him. He has turned M.M.G into a game winning franchise in a short matter of time. I think this is a team that can really takeover because they all seem to know their role and also their isn't much groups these days. Y.M. and C.M.B. are the only groups/franchises I see giving them a run for their money. Everyone else is to divided and catty to join forces like this which ultimately sometimes becomes the catalyst to their demise. If M.M.G can keep up this momentum and not fall victim of trivial beef and stupidity they will do judt fine for a good while.
